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www.portierramaryaire.com • Ver Tema - DCS: World update news

DCS: World update news

¿Te gustaría pilotar un F-15, comandar un Leopard o torpedear con un Akula? Este es tu foro

Moderadores: Lepanto, poliorcetes, Edu, Orel

DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Lun Ago 08, 2016 1:42 pm

DCS: World Newsletter, release de la campaña The Museum relic por Sim Gaming Solution y pack del F-86F + Mig-15bis por Eagle Dynamics / Belsimtek
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=41

Y Changelog de la versión DCS: World 1.5.4 Update 3

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=30
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Mar Ago 09, 2016 9:42 am

Mas información de Wags sobre el mapa del Caucaso en 2.5, la resolución de las elevaciones han sido aumentadas a una media de un 400%, por lo que han desaparecido casi todos los bordes afilados de las montañas, se han añadido colinas mas detalladas, crestas y laderas y nuevos sitios en las tierras bajas. Se espera una nueva remesa de imagenes en las proximas semanas. Esta actualización del caucaso seguirá siendo gratuita y se espera su salida a finales del año 2016.

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=2
Hola everyone,

A little update... today the Caucasus map for DCS World 2.5 had its terrain elevation resolution increased by an average of 400%. This has eliminated almost all sharp edges to the terrain; and it's added rolling hills, much more detailed ridges and mountain sides, and provided many new places to hide down low.

I'll try to post some images in the coming weeks.

Yes, this is still a FREE upgrade planned for later this year.

Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Mar Ago 09, 2016 10:22 am

De Polychop, nuevo oficial de armamentos para el futuro modulo del Bo-105

https://www.facebook.com/groups/bo105pa ... 211239601/
Our new weapon officer for the BO-105 :)

Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Mar Ago 09, 2016 11:44 pm

Polychop añade multicrew y misiles mistral en el chagelog del Sa342 Gazelle, esperemos que esté disponible para el proximo parche
http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... ostcount=1

10 August 2016
- Added SA342Mistral model featuring Mistral anti aircraft short range IR missile
- Added additionnal SA342Mistral separated manual
- Corrected encyclopedia files to display 3D weapons models
- Corrected lased distance to be calculated once only when asked
- Corrected autorotation collective behavior in final stage
- Corrected autopilot slaved mode to be linked only to camera azimuth
- Corrected range finder, now ground and vehicles can be spotted, but still no building
- Corrected landing in grass, now landing while sliding is possible
- Corrected module behavior when pilots die
- Corrected pilot sight display
- Corrected camera slew speed when not in autopilot slaved mode
- Added multi crew feature
- Added multi crew user manual
- Changed Video command box power rotator to be 2 positions now, flight manual has been corrected accordingly.
- Added Yougoslav livery for Serbia
- Corrected pilots eyes
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Mié Ago 10, 2016 2:32 pm

Polychop confirma la implementación del multicrew en el Sa-342 Gazelle y que estará disponible en el siguiente parche:

Hi Gents

The multicrew Gazelle version is on its way and will be released through some coming update.

At the moment the copilot flight controls are still WIP, but you can enjoy everything else.

We are working at getting the copilot flight controls as smooth as the pilot's ones.

Thanks, Enjoy.

EDIT : The controls will have to be re-assigned with this update, sorry for the incovenience.
The best way to do it will be to delete the Saved Games/DCS/Config/Input/SA342 folder and re-assign all commands in game options screen
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Jue Ago 11, 2016 5:08 pm

ED Facebook...Merkava IA incoming.:D
A WIP preview image of a new AI toy coming to DCS World!

Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Jue Ago 11, 2016 7:18 pm

Por Wags, sobre el F/A-18C Hornet

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=42
Konichiwa everyone,

We hear you and understand your wish for more news about the Hornet project. Virtually all the work is in code at this time, but I can say that work continues and the electrical, hydraulic, and gear systems are all almost complete. The next step will be to tie these systems into the cockpit. Other systems have been tied to the cockpit and the HUD symbology integration is on-going. Once that task is complete, we can begin work on the flight model prototype.

The cockpit is done though and includes functionality for JHMCS. What weapon systems will be included in the Early Access is TBD.

As mentioned earlier in the year, it’s our hope to release the Hornet into early access by the end of the year. However, that is only a best estimation at the time and many things can alter this. Only a date announced with the start of a pre-purchase should be taken as a date you can bank on. We are quite accurate with such dates.

When there is more information to pass along on this project, we will do so.


On a side note, this is the ONLY official Facebook page for DCS World: https://www.facebook.com/eagle.dynamics
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Vie Ago 12, 2016 1:12 pm

Changelog Mirage 2000C de RAZBAM para el 12 de agosto

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... count=3052
This is the latest changelog:

- Added AP router indicator
- Fixed horizon line behavior
- Fixed Ground track indicator fixed
- Fixed heading tape jumping around 0 degrees
- Fixed To/From House behavior
- Fixed ILS/App symbology behavior
- Fixed pitch ladder so it moves with FPM
- Fixed pitch ladder movement bounds
- Fixed FPM movement bounds
- Fixed accel chevrons behavior

- Added functionality to backup Attitude Indicator
- Updated Rlaxoxo Sound Mod to v7
- Updated STT target logic
- Updated INS navigation
- Updated IP behavior (WIP)
- Updated MAGIC lock tone
- Updated EFM extrame envelope modeling
- Updated EFM aerodynamic distrubance and separation modeling
- Updated EFM yaw control and side force modeling
- Updated VTB STT display for CCM
- Updated keyboard/joystick bindings (community)
- Fixed weapon gaps on pylons (community)
- Fixed weapon stores relase failure due to excessive G-load
- Fixed AB Cutoff not disabling when closed with cover
- Fixed FBW Emergency mode not disabling when closed with cover
- Fixed brakes not holding aircraft still to MIL power
- Fixed TDC vs. Bullseye coordinates
- Fixed OBL INS Update bug
- Fixed PCA Select bug
- Fixed MAGIC Select bug
- Fixed BAD L/G input bug
- Fixed varous VTB, PCA, Radar bugs
- Fixed engine sound stutter issues
- Fixed Brazilian livery typo
- Fixed typo in Free Flight mission
- Fixed laser code bounds in mission editor
- Fixed AP Test not working
- Fixed incorrect yellow caution sound
- Fixed super radar
- Fixed dropping contacts when out of STT range
- Removed MAGIC seek tone, need to add MAGIC TIR tone
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Vie Ago 12, 2016 11:03 pm

Puntos de ruta del ins implementados en la pantalla VTB del Mirage 2000C de Razbam.

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... count=3092
Now you can display in the VTB the INS waypoints. Up to 5 waypoints can be displayed.

Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Dom Ago 14, 2016 9:02 pm

PilotMi8 confirma los artilleros de las puertas, arreglo de bugs y otras nuevas implementaciones con la salida del update para el Mi-8 (no pone fecha)
Colleagues, we are very pleased to read that you have seen and appreciated our work!
With the Release of the DCS: Mi-8 in addition to the bugs fix, add doorgunner and other features awaits you a complete description of the Systems of hels and Procedures, in style as in the MiG-15 Flight Manual!
Perhaps English (in describe the Systems) will not be very good, but I think - will be understandable)

La ametralladora KORD 12.7mm MG de la puerta puede ser controlada por un humano o la IA, la ametralladora PKT 7.62mm trasera solo será controlable por la IA. (por el momento).
So far, we decided to do so: door gunner (KORD 12.7) can be controlled by both the player and the AI, and aft gunner (PKT 7.62) - only AI
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Lun Ago 15, 2016 3:46 pm

El equipo de Black Cat Simulations a vuelto de ucrania despues de digitalizar las cabinas del Tu-22M3, primera prueba de render con datos en bruto (fotogrametria del modelo 3D).

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... tcount=264
We`ve got the first good photogrammetry 3D model:

Brian and Oleg took 1634 photos of the aft cockpit in museum,
then Oleg used special software to generate 3D mesh. The process took around 100 hrs.

19783831 polygons in the 3D model,
3ds max scene file is around 1 gigabyte, texture is about 800 megs.

3d model screenshots:



I just quickly rendered it for fun:



This is a really great reference for 3d modeling, since all the dimensions are real we can start modeling the in-game cockpit!


13 millones de poligonos la primera prueba de la cabina trasera con las fotos integradas, veremos como les va el proyecto.
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Mar Ago 16, 2016 12:56 am

Pequeño update de RAZBAM sobre el AV-8B Night Attack

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... tcount=149
here is a little SITREP on the Harrier:
Currently, i´m madly working in finishing the exterior model, i have deleted so many stuff i thought it was ok when in reality wasnt, and started over some others all over again looking for the finest AV-8B rendering in ANY sim so far, this means LOTS of research and many hits and miss until you get things correctly. The sweet spot is the fact that the cockpit is fairly ready for coding, and that i´m getting just where i want it to be. I can post tons of renderings if you want, or even gameplay pics, but they are really dull at this time. I hope i can deliver some ready-to-code pics in a near future..
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Jue Ago 18, 2016 1:28 pm

Toques finales por Oliver del Bo-105 de la ROK de Polychop

Hi Simmers,
final touches on the ROK BO-105 (Korean). Sight Unit is textured and several other things.
Work continous on 1st of September due to Summer Breeze Festival and moving to a new appartment. I wish you happy holidays in the name of Polychop-Simulations.

Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Jue Ago 18, 2016 2:52 pm

Mas imagenes del Harrier AV-8B NA de RAZBAM

Steady as she goes...

Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm

Re: DCS: World update news

Notapor Silver_Dragon el Jue Ago 18, 2016 5:45 pm

Piloto del Mirage 2000C de RAZBAM preparado para la accion:

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... count=3184
At last the pilot's body is ready for action:




More in our FB page.
Mensajes: 139
Registrado: Vie Jun 20, 2008 2:20 pm


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