por EIJL el Sab Ene 04, 2020 11:25 am
- El primer C295 FWSAR esta aceptado.
- Volara en Sevilla hasta mediados de 2020, de ahi a su base en Comox.
- La avionica nueva marca un hito, a nivel de sistemas, EVS, NVG, TCAS II, EGPWS basado en mapas 3D del terreno, weather over radar (overlapping), como por la integración total entre la parte táctica y de vuelo, lo que el piloto meta en el FMS o tenga en sus sistemas de avionica, pasa de la TPC a la TMC y se presenta en tiempo real en el FITS, y viceversa. Puedes elegir cualquiera de los patrones de busqueda SAR pre establecidos, y solo inyectarle los puntos donde quieres lanzar lo que necesites, bien sea equipo, Computed Air Release Point, bien sea paracaidistas, High Altitude Release Point.
The RCAF announced it accepted the first Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue aircraft from Airbus even as the military tried to work out issues with technical manuals for the C-295 plane.
“We will continue to work with Airbus to ensure the acceptability of remaining work, including revision of technical manuals, completing training for the initial RCAF crews, and conducting initial operational testing and evaluation in Spain in the first half of 2020,” explained Department of National Defence spokesman Jessica Lamirande. “The aircraft will be flying in Spain by the spring of 2020 with the completion of qualification work and training for RCAF personnel. It will only fly in Canada when it arrives in mid-2020.”
In the meantime, Collins Aerospace Systems used the Dubai Air Show to highlight the fact that the new C-295 aircraft come equipped with the firm’s state-of-the-art Pro Line Fusion flightdeck. That will significantly advance the capabilities of C-295 operators, according to Collins Aerospace Systems. The selection marks the first fixed-wing search and rescue platform to include Pro Line Fusion among its standard equipment.
The Pro Line Fusion flightdeck designed for the C-295 includes Collins touchscreen displays to provide a more intuitive interface for pilots to interact and customize their information on the flightdeck; night-vision goggle capability; head-up displays that enable the pilots to keep their eyes up for enhanced situational awareness; Enhanced Vision System sensor that allows pilots to see in low-visibility conditions; overlaid weather radar that shows a graphical depiction of weather along the flight plan for easy viewing; Integrated Terrain Awareness and Warning System that enables high-resolution 3-D obstacle depiction and enhances mission safety, and fully-integrated Mission Flight Management Systems supporting Search and Rescue patterns, Computed Air Release Points, and High Altitude Release Points.